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About Our Farm

At Return to our Roots, we’re passionate about giving back to our community and supporting the land through veganic, small-batch cultivating.

Following organic regenerative agriculture, we keep toxins out of our soil, air, and local waterways. We don’t use synthetic pesticides commonly found in conventional farming and use certified organic and non-toxic alternatives. We strive to maintain and improve fertility, soil structure, and biodiversity while also reducing the risks of human, animal, and environmental exposure to toxic materials.

As small-batch cultivators, our farm pays attention to every aspect of our crop, from seed to harvest, while protecting and enhancing natural resources and the environment.

What is Veganic Farming?

Veganic cannabis farming is an ethical philosophy seeking to remove animal agriculture from plant farming and produce sustainably grown cannabis without exploiting animals. This climate-friendly, organic initiative helps reduce environmental harm by removing its reliance on animal agriculture which is a leading contributor to climate change. While veganic growing avoids farming with animal-derived products, the presence of wild animals is encouraged and contributes to the pollination and maintenance of healthy, diverse ecosystems.